Does Bob limit my diet?

The question most asked when I tell people about my ileostomy is if I can eat normally, and the answer is a big YES! I am able to eat so much more than I could before Bob became a part of me. My diet had become extremely limited as just about everything caused painful obstruction symptoms, especially roughage and fiber which is the stuff I love. Not only is my diet more diverse now, but I have the capacity to eat more which is important for my energy, strength and training. I'm working on gaining more muscle and becoming stronger, carefully weight training in the gym. 
I still am gluten intolerant, but now am able to digest dairy and I was convinced before my ileostomy that I had become lactose intolerant. Also, I am back to being able to eat large salads including raw kale! I'm again enjoying kimchi and even raw cabbage slaw, as well as many other raw veggies and fruits, even those with skins. Pretty much everything on the list of "obstruction causing foods" I am able to eat without any problems as Bob works wonderfully. Even mushrooms, popcorn, beans sweet corn, banana peppers and all nuts and seeds Bob does well with. I'm even able to enjoy spicy foods without any issues which some people have been particularly surprised by. I have absolutely no pain now, and any and all foods used to cause terrible pain, bloating and other awful digestive issues with severe constipation, every once in a while "blowouts" out of nowhere and a lot of bleeding. I'm so happy to report I no longer have any of these issues, and I am okay with keeping my rectum and anus out of commission for the rest of my life. It is worth it, which is a big reason I'm sharing all this. There is so much stigma around having a "bag" that even some doctors out there try and deter patients from getting one because "it changes people's lives so much" but I'm here to say it is a lifesaving procedure and well worth doing if it will help a person's condition. I am doing more and eating more than I ever would have been able to had I kept my intestinal system in tact. Anyway, back to the food! I will post pics below of my lovely huge salads, kimchi, oat bran cereal loaded with berries and stir fry...
My huge kale salad includes sweet corn, raw onions, nutritional yeast, olive oil, garlic, sea salt and black pepper. Delicious! I missed this so much. It's nice with a glass of Cabernet though I don't drink much or often because it negativity impacts my hydration and energy

Salad full of baby greens, romaine lettuce, lots of green olives, nutritional yeast and Italian dressing

Chicken teriyaki stir fry with baby corn, broccoli and water chestnuts over brown rice and a side of kimchi

Oat bran cereal with a scoop of vanilla whey protein, cinnamon, raspberries, blueberries and banana. This is cooked in whole milk, but show it uncooked here as it looks nicer lol 

I love fermenting my own kimchi and make a large batch at a time, so much tastier (and cheaper) than store bought

All the above is just a sample of what I eat in a day, to show that my mostly plant based diet works well with my ileostomy. I do not need a bland diet and am able to eat all the fiber I want. Of course, many people with an ileostomy need to be careful with foods especially fiber and skins because of strictures and/or adhesions and other reasons that can cause obstructions. My ostomy was because my colon, rectum and pelvic floor do not work correctly. Those with an ostomy due to Crohn's, colitis, intestinal failure or cancer may need to be more careful.


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