Hydration, Nutrition and Immune Support

 This is an important topic for any runner, as we need high quality nutrition to fuel our runs plus hydration. Also, a lot of training and distance running can lead to a weaker immune system if we're not careful. But for the ileostomate this is even more important, as we need to be careful to get enough electrolytes, vitamins and minerals as we lose so much through the effluent and also may not absorb as much nutrition from our food (especially for those with short bowel syndrome). Also our immune systems may be down for a while after surgery as our bodies are working so hard in the healing process. The amount of water and electrolytes I take in daily may seem excessive to most people, but I am always thirsty and feel dehydrated easily; without a colon I was already thirsty and drank a lot of water, but now with my ostomy I am even more thirsty all the time! I inserted pictures below with captions explaining everything I take. How do you keep up your hydration? Let me know in the comment section!

Every morning I start with my Mary Ruth's liquid multivitamin with my first 32 oz electrolyte water. I take two iron gummies with my first meal, along with an Emergen-C packet mixed with a cup of water (both to enhance iron absorption and immune system). I take a Korean Ginseng and Ashwaganda capsule once in the morning to help with energy, and I mix a scoop of alfalfa grass powder and mushroom powder into either a little bit of apple or tart cherry juice along with the trace minerals drops (in pic below). The Collagen Peptides is something I'm trying to be more consistent with taking since it's a good source of protein, and collagen supposedly helps improve connective tissues, skin and hydration.

This is my hydration lifeline: every night I fill each of these 32 oz bottles with water, add vitaminhydrate to two of them and propel electrolyte powders to the other three, then put them all in the refrigerator for the next day. I drink all five throughout the day and even refill a bottle once or twice, so I drink 5-7 liters of electrolyte water per day, and I add either a pedialyte or Gatorade Zero and a coconut water per week. I purchased the vitaminhydrate energy and B12 vitamin powders for when I return to work, since I do 12 hour night shifts. I haven't been able to return to work yet, though...more on that in a later blog about the ways Bob Changed my life.

This is the coconut water I like and drink one or two per week. I take two teaspoons of the CalMagPlus most nights mixed into a hot mug of herbal tea, which supplies magnesium, calcium, Vitamins C and D.


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