My First Run!

Well not my first run ever, but the first time I'm running since Bob has been a part of me. And actually, it's been a few years since I had given up running due to the pain that went along with my motility disorders. I did jog a two mile hill interval two weeks ago, but it was on a treadmill (10 minute miles) so I won't count that as a true first run.
Early this afternoon Spot and I went on a one hour walk/run around our neighborhood, which we both enjoyed as his daily exercise and for me, a warm up to get the feel of outdoor running again. Being that our winter has been both mild and unpredictable this year, it can be difficult to decide how many layers to wear. It's sunny but the wind is chilly and there's a lot of shade which can be quite cold as well; but I also warm up quickly when I run. So I decided on a short sleeve shirt, light jacket and a vest with my favorite high waisted stretchy leggings. I take Spot's lead and go his pace so that he's able to enjoy lots of sniffing along the way. Spot likes to take off in sprints between walking and sniffing; I guess we can say he's my fartlek training buddy.
About an hour after taking Spot, I took off on my own run, at my pace. I missed long runs on the winding back roads outside our neighborhood where there are forests, open fields and farm animals along the way. It's a peaceful run.
During my outing with Spot, I felt a bit too warm in the the vest so went with just the light jacket.

This is Spot, my running buddy, who is just as excited to get back to running as I am

Funny FitBit automatically split up my run spurts with Spot as 3 different exercises haha [elliptical, walk, run] for my actual run, I guess this isn't too bad for my first real time out, plus I did stop to take a few pics along the way



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