Cleanse and Enhance Nutrition with Edible Weeds


Edible weeds? Yes! Dandelions, just like other bitter greens, are a great source of nutrition such as iron, protein, and minerals. They also aid the digestive system while cleansing the liver and balance fluids in the body. The entire plant is edible, from the flower to the roots. The flowers, stems and greens can be eaten in a salad, juiced with other greens or blended into a green smoothie. The larger, tender leaves are best for adding to salad because they are less bitter than the smaller ones. The large, mature plants have the best roots, which can be dried or toasted and used for brewing tea and dandelion coffee. My back yard naturally grows so many dandelions throughout the spring and summer, so I am now beginning to harvest my own since I do not use any chemicals in my yard. I have always enjoyed dandelion tea by Traditional Medicinals and instant dandelion coffee by Dandy Blend, pics added below, but I am excited about trying fresh dandelion and even making my own tea! 

I do wish my grass would naturally grow as nicely as the weeds!

Look at all these beautiful tender leaves

Do be mindful of the little critters that like to hide out in and around these weeds, I found lots of these tiny snails as well as little slugs

Here is my first batch soaking. Next I will remove the dead bits, clean them real good so there's no more dirt, then separate the roots and leaves from the stems 


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