30 Day Running Challenge!

 I have decided to use a 30 day Running Challenge to motivate myself enough to start running consistently again. I will run one mile every day for thirty days!

I realized that I have not been on a run in over a month and it's really been getting to me. I have always had a passion for running, but I had to take off so much time due to intestinal issues, surgery and recovery; I lack the motivation I used to have getting myself out there. Starting is difficult, but staying consistent is even more so. I feel like I've been too hard on myself in trying to get back into running with time and distance, pushing myself too quickly with high expectations, but I am basically starting from zero including in my workouts. I have been lifting consistently and went from lifting only five pounds to up to 60 now, and swimming only 50 yards at a time to now being able to swim 300-500 yards with flip turns! So I know I can do this with my running also, I only need to get myself out there. This time I am only going to plan on running one mile per day for thirty days and without any time goals. I will track my time and distance so that I am able to see how I improve over time. Many days time restraints kept me from going for a run, so only having to run one mile makes it easier, and if I feel like going further I can... as long as I run one mile each day. So I'm going to start today! It's been raining off and on with sunny days and lots of humidity, so here's to sweating! I am excited to begin this challenge, and I will post each day; I'll  see what happens.

After a gym warmup right before heading out for day one...
Okay, I crushed day one! I cannot say it felt great, but I'm stoked to be out running again and without expectations. I'm being more real with myself this time, and this is what it takes to get fit again. I must know and admit that I'm not going to have the speed and endurance I once had, and actually I'm probably doing pretty well being just over six months postop and my body is different from how it was; the end of my small intestine is now outside my abdominal wall with a bag adhered to my abdomen to catch the output. So I have accepted that it is okay to be where I am, just like anyone else who is starting to run either after a long break or for the first time. We must all start from somewhere, but I think I didn't see it this way before because I've been running my entire life and the times I did take time off I was able to get my endurance back up quickly...running always felt good in the past so it is difficult for me to not "feel it" for now. I do know, however, that as endurance is gained things get easier and it actually starts to feel good. The runner's high becomes a real feeling that you will eventually look forward to. But it takes time. The best piece of advice I've heard when it comes to running is, "start short and start slow." It's unwise to start out long and hard, it just makes you feel like crap, sore the next day and could potentially cause injuries. You're then less likely to get out there the next day, and things go down from there. That is why many people give up.
Now on with how my first mile run went today! To begin, I was ill prepared as this was an on the spot decision while I was starting my warmup in the gym for my regular workout. I felt a spurt of motivation on my way to the gym as I saw many other runners out, it was a sunny day and I had this challenge on my mind for a few days already. Despite the fact I ate a large meal to include a large bowl of kimchi and rice late in the afternoon and did not drink as much water as I usually would as my day was busy, so I felt a bit heavy and was not as hydrated as I should've been. But a great thing about this challenge is that I only have to run one mile so that is more motivation to get out there "real quick." 

In the first quarter mile I felt great and when I looked down at my phone at the .25 mile point the Nike app had me tracking a 7 minute 45 second mile pace. I was so happy and just knew I was going to crush this mile easily.... That was until I hit half a mile and started feeling super heavy and my legs slowed down so much involuntarily. At the half mile point I was tracking a 10'50" mile. I did start feeling a bit better coming to the end of the mile though, and was able to finish strong and under ten minutes. 

But I decided to run a straight mile so that I had to turn around and go back. I thought for a second about walking it, but I decided I had enough in me to kick it up a notch and finish out the next mile strong. And I did. I was all red faced, dripping sweat and panting at the end but I feel good now! And I am super excited to get back out again tomorrow for my day two mile.

Day two is complete! 
I was so not feeling the run today, but hey only one mile...I can do this. This is my mindset now and it is definitely helpful. I was only planning to run one mile and be done for today. I woke up sore and stiff this morning and didn't do much all day, other than pick up groceries, walk Spot and cook dinner. So I headed out for my one mile, started a bit slower but ended up with a side stitch by the half mile mark that only got worse and I just couldn't push myself so I took it easier, so I thought. To my surprise, I actually finished that mile a little quicker than yesterday.

Below is the shoe I ran in today, though I'm not impressed with it as it's heavy, bulky and not as flexible as I prefer. However, they are better than the beaters I wore yesterday only because they are not getting holes in the soles lol seriously, I felt a blister starting to form under my great toe during yesterday's run and found the reason is I am actually starting to wear a hole in that spot.

Even with my slightly improved time, I felt like crap and, after resting a for a few minutes and putting on a Deep Forest track (this band always motivates my runs so much!) I decided to tighten my shoe laces and really go for a good run. After all, it is only one mile... I started off feeling amazing and my time showed it, though the side stitch came back and I actually had to pause it here to catch my breath for a minute. 
I started right back up, found a pretty area at the half mile mark to take a quick selfie and finished out the run as strong as I could. In the end, I improved a bit more and now I feel good. Not runner's high good, but good nonetheless...I think it's more a mental breakthrough than anything else. I'm happy to be out running again. Now I'm ready for a swim!
 (trying to flash a quick smile while feeling like I'm dying 😂)

Day 3...
Today's run must have been my worst ever, but at least I completed a mile. The nice weather half of my day was spent at work and I was excited for sunny 89° weather when I walked outside However, it started raining on my way home. There was about an hour where the rain slowed to a drizzle so thankfully Spot got his walk today. After that it pretty much rained the rest of the evening. If it wasn't for lightening and thunder I would have run in the rain, but instead took it inside to the treadmill. 
I got to the gym just when my son and his friends were starting an ab workout so I did that with them, which turned out to be a killer workout. After that, I was hoping the rain would have calmed down but it was in a downpour, so to the treadmill I went.

This was the point I accidentally pulled the emergency stop and ended the workout...

I tried again and after about half the mile my phone went flying off the treadmill behind me and skidded across the floor! All I could do was laugh and finish my run; thank goodness for Bluetooth earbuds! With the mile completed, some reason it would only pause before it turned off, so I didn't get a proper workout summary.

In the beginning I tried running with my phone to use the Nike app for tracking, but apparently it doesn't work well on the treadmill as it said I was running 13 and 20 minute miles. I kept at about a 9 minute mile pace; running indoors is incredibly difficult for me mentally, and the air in the gym felt heavy. I did get a pretty good swim afterward though, and I'm hoping tomorrow will be better!

Day 4...
After working a twelve hour shift I am pretty tired so these are going to be the most difficult run days. I was able to run outside just after the rain; it was warm and humid but also with a nice breeze. I ran one mile at an easy pace and, other than being sore from the past days of runs and workouts, it felt pretty good. I had pre-run excitement, but I am so ready to get the "runner's high" back. I still feel heavy and slow, but I know this will get better. I'm going to walk Spot then relax the rest of the evening with lots of stretching and maybe a hot soak. 

In the words of a Nike Run Club trainer, "it doesn't ever get easier, but you will get better"

                         Day 5...
After my second twelve hour work shift, and with it being a slightly stressful day, I was not looking forward to my run. Again, the best thing about this challenge is that I'm only committed to one mile. 

I brought Spot along this time, and we trotted around our neighborhood before our regular walk. Spot loved it! I hadn't run with him in a few months, other than the game of "Chase" we play around our house or yard, but we both really enjoyed this. Of course it's not about speed as I let him sniff along the way and we stopped briefly to greet a neighbor and her dog.
We enjoyed a slow trot...
                     ...then finished strong
                     Day 6....
After my third twelve hour work shift I really did not feel like going for a run. In fact, if it were not for this challenge, I would not be running after work at all. Spot and I take daily walks but this running is a true challenge. I believe Spot was more excited than I was but we both enjoyed our little fun run. So far, I have felt good AFTER the run, but today I actually started to feel good about a half mile in, other than a twinge of pain in my right knee, so I think it is physically getting easier to run a mile. Today was six degrees warmer than yesterday at 82°F so we went a bit slower. I realized a few things over the weekend: it is best for me to run six hours after my last meal, I'm in dire need of a good pair of running shoes and need to start using a knee brace for running again.

                        Days 7 & 8...
I am posting day seven late because I had so much going on yesterday, had to skip my run. Instead, I made it up this morning with Spot and I will run again later today.

I had some errands to run this morning also, so we got out there late morning when the sun started shining bright and it felt quite warm already. According to the Nike app it was only 86°F but it felt ten degrees hotter, probably because of the humidity. Even though I enjoy running in the heat and it felt great to me, Spot stopped a lot more to sniff and I could tell he was getting hot. We took it slower today as I didn't want Spot to get overheated. It was a nice time in our neighborhood as we also found a large blackberry bramble. I must say, running the mile is feeling easier for me and my knee was not screaming as much probably due to taking a day off. I do need to find my brace so I'll be able to run harder. 

I took an evening run, and right now I truly realize that I had gotten entirely out of shape. I feel miserable, heavy, slow. My endurance sucks, my feet ache and my run was not fun. I think it's just an off run because I had a lot going on the past few days; I know I'm probably a bit dehydrated and I'm trying to catch up on it. I'm tired. Tomorrow will be better, I think I'll opt for the morning .

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win" -Vince Lombardi

               Day 9...
I decided on an evening run instead since I had a busy morning and the afternoon was quite hot and humid. I felt so much better with today's run! I tried some old New Balance shoes that I used to use as work shoes but started to look worn. They are lighter than the Nike but the soles are not as worn as the old Fila's I tried on my first run. Since it was a cool night, Spot did better also; we didn't have to stop as often but we did have one extended stop to say hi to friends of both of us (my neighbor and her female doberman puppy). I also found my knee brace which really helped my knee feel more supported. I have osteoarthritis in my right knee from a few injuries 20+ years ago and had surgery on it 2010, so with a lot of running it gets painful and eventually swells up. When it gets to that point I get the fluid extracted and a steroid injection, but it's been a few years since I've been able to run that much.
Spot and I both enjoyed the evening run

             Day 10...
I'm slacking, this should be day twelve! Thursday was such a busy day and I didn't plan for my run accordingly. I skipped yesterday as a snowball effect from the previous day; I really wasn't motivated to run after working twelve hours. I almost decided against running today too but I'm glad I decided to just get out there and jog a mile with Spot. It's a breezy evening and the jog felt good...Spot enjoys it so much also! I now remember how easy it is to skip running before it becomes a habit, therefore I will finish this challenge [and will be tacking on the two missed days], as thirty days is just long enough to make a habit stick long-term. I'm not there yet but I will not give up.


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