Day 11! 30 Day Running Challenge

 Fun run with Spot today, but I somehow turned my distance to kilometers on the Nike app without realizing it. So when the app announced 1 kilometer I went ahead and ended the workout so I could figure out how to change it back. I managed to switch back to miles then started over with a new run, so we went about a mile and a half. About halfway through the mile I got a side cramp and a bit of heartburn, then towards the end I started feeling a little nauseated. Needless to say, this wasn't one of my best runs but Spot sure enjoyed himself, as always. I feel like I may still be dehydrated despite trying to catch up; I think I'll get some blood work down this week. Also, I made a mistake in eating a bunch of sweet peppers and sugar snap peas with Sriracha sauce about an hour before running. It was after a big rain but was humid too, not a great combo but I worked up a sweat. Then we got rained on 🤪

These runs make Spot so happy, look at his big grin!

Would be nice to get this pace with the mile!


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