Days 14&15! 30 Day Running Challenge

I was too tired last night so I'm catching up yesterday's post by combining it with today. My usual work week is 42 hours but I worked an extra six hour day this week, and I feel like I'm still getting tired more quickly; it actually took me about a year to feel fully energized after my prior abdominal surgeries, so I probably have another five months before getting all my endurance and strength back. 
I went out for solo runs the past two days, and I definitely increased my speed since I began two weeks ago. Yesterday I didn't really feel good until after the mile was complete. However, I feel like I had a breakthrough today; I felt great about halfway through the mile and even increased my speed a bit more...I feel like I'm ready to start increasing my mileage a bit and foresee the runner's high coming back. I finally don't feel like I'm dying mid run! I do have to invest in a good pair of running shoes very soon, as my "best" pair (meaning no holes in the soles but also lightweight) are still pretty worn down and I feel it in my aching knee now.

My fastest time yet! I'm pretty stoked about this, and it was a nice sunny evening but also cooler weather

I found a CrossFit gym along today's run, which would be a fun challenge to try sometime!

I went for a swim after running today which felt amazing, I have been out of the pool for over a week! I do need to find a new swimsuit with some extra fabric like ruching at the waist. Since switching to convex appliances this suit no longer camouflages the [more pronounced] bump


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